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I'm loving this game so far, and can't wait to see what else is in store! I do have a question about the lower caves... since I used the ice crystal to enter the holy lands, is it impossible to travel past the geyser at the bottom-right?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello there, glad you're enjoying it!

By bottom-right, do you mean inside the Slime Cave? For any area that seems impossible to enter atm, I plan on adding optional content in the full release. So in the Demo there is no way to get there right now!


That's the one, and I guess that's good. It means I didn't miss anything at least. Looking forward to seeing what's in store!


Hey! Just beat the demo and I have to say I love the game! I liked all sorts of stuff about it. I liked the combat and the progression, it made me invested and looking forward to what I might get later on. I liked the characters and the voice acting, I thought they were cute! I also just like the general vibe of the game, like how lighthearted it is. I've played other tickle games but I think this demo has been my favorite so far honestly. Only things I can think of are shortcuts, I think unlocking shortcuts would be nice so it would save time. I also think it'd be nice to reward exploration a bit more, because you have cool and open maps to explore, but not a lot of items and stuff to find. All in all though, I really enjoyed the game and am looking forward to updates and the full release! Keep up the good work!


I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for playing!

About the traveling; yes, it has been bought to my attention that the backtracking may be a bit much. There are currently plans for a Fast Travel Plugin, a smaller Virga Forest, and some improvements to mitigate the amount of back and forth.

For the Exploration, the Demo may be a bit lacking, but I'll keep that in mind for the Full Release to give more Rewards for exploring. Thank you for your insights!


All of those sound like good improvements! Some ideas for rewarding exploration beyond just items, mayhaps you could find people. For example, like finding someone captured and being tickled and you can save them. That could also make for a good side quest.

Hope I could help make the game even better!


Hmm... I'd have to look into that, there are quite a lot of Tickle CGs planned already (more than 30, won't say the exact number here).

But I'll keep that in mind!


Oh wow sounds cool :thumbs_up:

I'm hyped dude


I just supported you on Patreon. Please keep the good work!!!


Thanks for the support!

And no worries, it is a yuri game. Anime girls for all!


I liked the game. Especially the F/F part. I only watch F/F. I don't like other categories. You are so awesome. I will support you on Patreon. Please keep doing F/F only.


I just finished the demo, and I can't wait for more! The plot is interesting, and the tickle scenes are great. All I can say is "great job."


Thanks a ton! We have plenty more planned!


I really liked this demo. It has a good story. Its music. I really liked the tickling scenes. I liked. I had a lot of fun playing. I'm looking forward to the full game